DUI Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs)
Once you are pulled over, the officer immediately asks if you had anything to drink. You automatically want to answer truthfully and...
BIKES: Whether Riding a Bike or Driving a Car, You Need to Know the Laws in Order to Keep Everyone S
Most people are unaware that Phoenix traffic-safety laws are designed to allow bicyclists to share the road safely with motor vehicles....
Even Though the Other Driver Ran a Red Light, the Accident Might Be Your Fault!
Suppose you’re stopped in the middle of an intersection waiting for traffic to clear before executing a safe left turn on a green light....
DUI Dos & Don'ts - Know Your Constitutional Rights
First and foremost, POUNDSTONE SCOTTEN does not condone drinking and driving. Nevertheless, we understand it is human nature to indulge...
There’s No Such Thing As “One Free Bite” For Dogs
The old adage “every dog gets one free bite” hasn’t been the case in Arizona for more than 75 years. In 1990, the Arizona legislature...
The Collateral Source Rule
Suppose you find yourself in the unfortunate circumstance of having been involved in a car accident, a slip and fall, or some other...
Arizona lien law is complicated and continuously evolving. When you are injured, seek medical treatment, and pursue a claim against the...
Your Greatest Opponent In Your Personal Injury Case May Not Even Be Human!
One of the dirty secrets of the insurance industry is its use of Colossus and similar software programs designed to “calculate” the...
Don’t Get Caught Paying For Someone Else’s Mistake
In Arizona, every driver of an automobile is required to carry the state’s minimum liability insurance coverage limits. Drivers are...
SEAT BELTS – When the accident isn’t your fault, but the injury might be!
As a personal injury attorney in the Phoenix metropolitan area, I’m often asked, “If I’m in a car accident and the other driver is 100%...